Cauda Draconis

planet: moon (south node)
sign: sagittarius
body: the left arm
The Composer conducts the tail of the dragon in a playful dance, but at any moment it could end his life.
Latin for “tail of the dragon”, Cauda Draconis is an unfavorable figure when dealing with beginnings but can be favorable when wanting something to end (pain, a relationship, debt). Many Geomancers will stop a reading if Cauda Draconis appears in the first position of the shield, indicating that the outcome has already been decided by the querent. It is favorable with unfavorable figures and unfavorable with favorable ones. The formation of dots resembles the tail of a dragon and Cauda Draconis reminds us that at the end is the beginning again. The figure is strengthened in the 9th house and weakened in the 3rd.