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Number Nine: GROWTH Prisma Visions Periodical James R. Eads fine art prints and Prisma Visions tarot cards

Number Nine: GROWTH

number nine. growth and understanding and preparation for the beginning to come again. 

We're nearing the end of the campaign with only a few days left. Thank you all for being here and being a part of the cerulean sequence. We are approaching the goal for the dice right before the end of the campaign, so I'm going to be looking into those now. If you have any requests or ideas, now is the time! 

I dedicate number 9 to the 9 spreads I created for this deck. I honored each number with a unique card spread, these are all included in the guidebook. 

The campaign has ended but you can still pre-order the deck here to get it for $11 off! 
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