Immerse Yourself
in Mirra Visions Lenticular Tarot & Oracle
an archive of the 79th cards from Mirra Visions, Prisma Visions, Cosma Visions and Light Visions
Lenticular Tarot & Oracle
2nd edition
duality - fusion - entanglement - impact
Crashing waves carry a midnight sonata to the full moon, as a collection of Garden Chimes disappears and reappears. These chimes are rocked not by the wind, but by the turbulence of sloshing waves in the Water Song. The earth quakes beneath the garden, triggered by sirens hidden in the waves. They sing a song so piercing it vibrates and echoes through dimensions. Like a soft spot between realms, could these two cards be merging into one?
deception - distorted reality - clouded visions - increased vigilance
Reversed, the moon's gravity pulls the waves into space while the lightness of the Garden Chimes seems to defy all laws of physics. When you see this card reversed, be mindful of the potential for deception. Reality can be gull of distortions, they can penetrate our perceptions without us even noticing. Lean into your intuition and be particularly scrutinous of things that set off your alarms. Remember to follow your senses trust that you'll know when the tune of the song is off.
Lenticular Tarot & Oracle
1st edition
flow - timing - adaptation - skillful
As The Blue Heron quietly disappears into the environment, The Pink Fox peers from behind a tree, waiting for the opportune moment. The Blue Heron is a bird of many meanings. Herons can be symbolic of stillness and elegance but are also carnivorous predators that swallow their prey whole. Foxes are cunning and mischievous predators, but are also extremely adaptable and playful. Both are masters of their own environments, a duo of complete differences that still have managed to succeed. When you see this card in a reading, it is symbolic of the natural ebb and flow of the universe. Sometimes, in order to find success, we need to adapt to our surroundings. Take a moment to listen to the universe. You're meant to be where you are.
misalignment - waiting - stillness -recalibration
Reversed, The Heron stumbles into the water as The Fox blends into the sunrise. When this card appears reversed, it can represent feeling off-center. When we are in rhythm with the universe, other things will start to flow naturally, so it can be difficult when you feel misaligned. Pause and wait. Learn from the stillness of The Heron and the patience of The Fox. Recenter and calibrate when you are on stable ground. It doesn't have to happen right now. Sometimes, just thinking about making a change is change enough.
1st Edition
Life bursts forth! Streaming out of the strawberries, this incipient energy is present in many of the strongest, most active cards of the tarot deck. Jubilant and powerful, it flocks to any conduit that can manifest it.
creation - expression - jubilation
When you see its energy turn up in a read, know that some facet of your life is anointed right now. You are charged with the same raw power that split open the first atoms of the universe.
disintegration - entropy - decay
Cast awry, the Strawberry begins to disintegrate, entropy spreading the disparate pieces in an ever-loosening spiral. The rot contaminates the smaller fruits in its orbit, and sooner their delicate flesh is breaking apart, spilling their guts into the cosmic current. Is it wasted potential? Something over before it began? No matter the cause, some part of your universe is falling apart. Let go.
2nd Edition
Two fish swim languidly in a dark ocean, when suddenly before them plunge a rare and luminous key. Mystified, intrigued, they glide toward it, hoping for the answers to their subaquatic ruminations.
epiphany - curiosity - release
Sluicing your way through the murky waters, sometimes a way out can appear out of nowhere. A sudden solution is a gift from above, not one to be taken lightly. Did it emanate from within? Does a lucid epiphany lighten your path? Perhaps the key is a friend, or an object, dropped unexpectedly before your expressionless face. Whatever it is, trust it. Explore it. Let it unlock the hidden passageways of your life.
the depths - false hope - unknown forces
Reversed, quite a different scene unfolds. The key speeds to the surface of the ocean, pulled by a will beyond the mystified fish. A bright flash in the dark, it could be followed with ease, but it is an unknown force, dredged from the deepest gorges of the sea. Can you trust it? A fish, unperturbed, calls on its most ancient instincts before it changes course.
3rd Edition
To the cat, the sun is just the sun; it offers its warmth and nurtures all living beings. The cat does not question the sun’s existence, it simply basks in its glow. If you have been wandering shadowed alleys, prowling from door to empty door, maybe it’s time to return to the sun.
awakening - enlightening - the source
Sometimes the simplest solutions are found on the edges of sunlit fields. Illuminate your path. One paw padding after the other, surrender to your animal instincts and take your journey one mincing step at a time. What awakens within you as the rays of the sun fill your eyes?
suspension - biding - two worlds
As night follows day, the wheel turns within our senses and perceptions. Dangling, suspended, totally at ease, the gentle cat feels both the rays of the sun and the beams of the moon. The sun obscures but does not change the stars’ positions, and the cat can wait until darkness falls to explore. For now, she bides. The breeze rustles her whiskers. A bird calls from afar.
4th Edition
The floating figure of the winged boar may at first appear as the rude mockery of an angel. But let this quiet beauty drift along the water, observe her placid face. Unlike her warring cousin the wild boar, she seems at peace defying reality, trailing a cloven hoof through the whispering sedge.
uncommon beauty - placidity - impossibility
When this card appears, reconsider the impossible. Return to those wild fantasies your brain made your rule out. A hope, a plan, however translucent, is beginning to take form. Don’t make any sudden movements, but keep your eyes fixed on the shimmering boar winging its way just beyond your reach.
illusion - stagnation - ephemera
Turned inverse, the dreamy figment of the boar seems to fade into the mist. Only its stolid tusks and outstretched wings maintain their earthly shape, slicing through the air that curls below. If you are chasing figures in the swamp, take care that you are not chasing ghosts. Make your escape before the sun sets beyond the brackish bog. The specter of the boar may lead you too deep into the dark.
5th Edition
A creaking wooden skiff splits the surface of the shimmering pond; trailing white petals rustle gently in the breeze. The harpist’s fingers graze the trembling strings, and strains of a long-forgotten memory curl around you. An old memory pieced together from another life. A perfect moment of peace. But the melody falters, the illusion fades, and your brief respite in a dream of the past finds an end.
daydream - nostalgia - incipient danger
Lost in a reverie, you complicate your waking life for the sake of a dream. The past is sweet, ever soothing, a reminder of gentler times. But you have forgotten the pain that bore you along the river, the bliss of your fugue makes you prone to repeat a mistake. Keep a steady course. Tell your harpist to stow his gear. Turbulent waters lie ahead.
illusion - stagnation - ephemera
Upside down, the flowers form a supple canopy over the upturned boat. The harpist and his instrument remain solidly affixed to the dinghy, and his companion is unfazed, contemplative, gazing out into the sun. Below? Above? swirls of mist obscure everything beyond this quiet pond. A deeper dream, a thicker mist, waits until nightfall to descend.
6th Edition
Two tiny elephants trek through the tall grass. The calf clasps the tail of its mother, peering about to ensure nothing gargantuan hides just out of view. To the tiny elephants, the grass is a wild world of its own. To the humans above, the grass is only a thought.
perspective - renewed wonder - inverted expectations
When you pull Tiny Elephants in a reading it asks you to acknowledge the perspective of your situation. Pay attention to the things around you. If your perspective feels like it has grown tired then get on the floor, stand on a chair - find a new way of looking. You will be surprised how fresh something old can feel when you look at it differently. There is wonder in small things and there is beauty in understanding another’s point of view.
instinct - intuition - migration
Turned on their heads, the Tiny Elephants defy gravity with a nonchalant ease. Their journey continues, unperturbed by the disintegrating figures below. True to their nature, they trust their instincts from moment to moment, step by step. If you have assessed your path from every angle, done the hard work of shifting your perspective to another’s view, perhaps itís time to surrender to your animal intuition. Remember what brought you here in the first place. It is your gut, not your brain, that leads you through the long migration.
A plump little toad plops itself right in front of your path. As you stare at the Prismatic Toad you begin to realize that it might be the most wonderful little thing you have seen in your whole entire life. The closer you get, the more obsessed you become with your new slimy friend.
infatuation - delusion - distraction
If you've pulled the Prismatic Toad in the reading it might be that you got a little too close to something that you didn't intend to get so wrapped up in. New things can be intoxicating and alluring, so much so that we can become obsessed and forget about the other important things around us. Don't let the toad become your whole world, there are other things of value just within reach.
dissatisfaction - ennui - monotony
Reversed, the Prismatic Toad encourages you to get lost in something new. Perhaps you are feeling the monotony of daily life and it has desaturated what was once full of color. It can be difficult to strike new life into something that feels overly familiar. Take the toad's advice and try to immerse yourself in the unfamiliar. It can be uncomfortable at first, but it will likely invigorate the parts that have recently felt dulled.
1st Edition
A graveyard of sleeping ships sprinkled across the forest floor paints a scene of another world forgotten. The world here has ended many times, but through small bangs and persistent whispers life has always found a way back.
rest - inspiration - growth
We expect things only grow in an upwards trajectory but this is not always the case. We search for inspiration expecting it to be where we once found it. While some parts of your inspiration may feel like they are withering now, new inspiration will grow in the shadows. It will plant seeds for future thoughts and future epiphanies and you will grow and find new paths. These are the things we learn from Sleeping Ships. And that is the beauty of being human - we are always growing, even when we’re resting.
sudden change - readjustments - patience
Upside down, the Sleeping Ships shake from the ground. While they may have been here for centuries, their roots are not firm enough to withhold any kind of sudden changes. Sleeping Ships shows up reversed when things may feel particularly unstable in the world and any extra turbulence is only going to add to the chaos. This doesn’t mean you can’t make the changes you want to make, it just asks for patience. The changes you hope to make will still have their chances, you just may need to take a longer winding path.
2nd Edition
Two crescent moons hang in an orange colored sky. Beneath the moons, a stone building sits on the shore and calls you forward. With no windows or doors it asks your mind to will it open.This is a place between here and there, a refuge, a revisiting of the collective unconscious.
reconnection - perspective shift - past lives
While life on earth can sometimes feel lack-luster, there is a space where we can still dream. The Dreamworld contains bothdreams and nightmares as they sparkle like scales in the water and offer glimpses into realities once not far from our own. Recall the power of this place and let it fill your voids. Do not let the trivialities of life dull your vision. What if our dreams are a direct link to our past lives and all we need is to remember that they too were once real?
nightmares - disillusionment - unexpected obstacles
Reversed, the surrealist structure in the Dreamworld takes on a nightmarish hue. You’ve seen this building a million times in dreams but you have never been able to enter it. No matter how hard you try to get closer the palace continues to stay out of reach. If this card shows up reversed it can often indicate an immense blockage that must be traversed for the sake of mental clarity.
1st Edition
Life bursts forth! Streaming out of the strawberries, this incipient energy is present in many of the strongest, most active cards of the tarot deck. Jubilant and powerful, it flocks to any conduit that can manifest it.
creation - expression - jubilation
When you see its energy turn up in a read, know that some facet of your life is anointed right now. You are charged with the same raw power that split open the first atoms of the universe.
disintegration - entropy - decay
Cast awry, the Strawberry begins to disintegrate, entropy spreading the disparate pieces in an ever-loosening spiral. The rot contaminates the smaller fruits in its orbit, and sooner their delicate flesh is breaking apart, spilling their guts into the cosmic current. Is it wasted potential? Something over before it began? No matter the cause, some part of your universe is falling apart. Let go.
2nd Edition
You come across an orchard of apple trees, each tree is ripe with plump fruit ready for the picking. But this may not be your orchard, the apples that glisten in the sun are the fruit of another’s labor. The orchard has been cared for and has grown together as one, with a family of roots connecting it below the soft earth.
unbalanced relationships - indebted - paying it forward
When this card comes up in a reading, take note of what relationships you might be benefiting from without offering much in return. Know that energy does not just manifest itself, but it is created from some other form of energy. So if you choose to pick the apple from the tree, remember you may later find yourself in debt to another.
reward - opportune time - long-term investments
Upside-down, the fruit falls from the orchard. The crop is ripe and ready to be harvested. When this card shows up reversed it is alerting you to an opportune time to reap what you have sown. You’ve put in the work and now it is time to see the reward. Don’t shy away from what you have invested in, the results are rightfully yours to enjoy.
3rd Edition
Various glass bottles sit arranged on a dusty wooden shelf and an image of the cosmos is tacked on the wall behind. The bottles are mesmerizing, each seeming to catch the light in a different way, but none like the one at the center of your vision.
reassessing - taking a step back - status quo
Among old philosophers and alchemists, Alkahest was once known as the universal solvent something that would dissolve even gold: the solution to all solutions. Well, here it is right in front of you. But know that if you open the bottle, there is no going back, it could very well dissolve you too. Step back and assess what you have around you. Drowning it all in the light of another solution may very well wash out the beauty in the simplicity of how things are in their current state. Not everything needs to be illuminated
feeling down - losing meaning - need for excitement
Upside-down, Alkahest remains encased in the shimmering bottles. You observe the beauty from afar but are wise not to peek inside. When this card shows up reversed is it a sign that perspective is needed. Perhaps things have become mundane and drab. Shake things up. Do something out of your comfort zone and the light that normally fills you will return in time
4th Edition
Tucked away in the thick forest, a humble wooden house emits a warm glow. Light spills from beneath the door and radiates from behind the stained-glass windows. A cold wind blows through the night air and as the crescent moon hangs high in the starry sky, the Haven calls you closer to safety.
rest - rejuvenation - need for self-care
Trudging through the unconquerable forest has left you tired and in need of serious rejuvenation. When you see the Haven in a reading it is a strong sign to pause for a moment of rest. You have worked tirelessly for too long and are nearing complete exhaustion. The outside world has not offered any shelter from the barrage of unfortunate events and looming catastrophes. If you take your time to seek refuge and focus on self-care you will certainly find yourself ahead in the end.
overindulgence - creature comforts - need for exploration
Reversed, the Haven becomes a self-imposed prison. Perhaps the outside world has been too much to bare and you have recently overindulged in the comforts of home. While it is important to feel at home with where you live, it is equally important to get outside and experience the world. If you don’t take the time to rejoice in the natural world you will one day wake up and wonder where all the time went.