Seven wands are spread out across the shallows, and you deftly pick your way from fencepost to upturned fencepost. Your path is clear but the way is treacherous: one misstep will plunge you into the river. But you remain poised, unshakable, as your previous experiences have made you keen and adroit. You have been preparing you for this moment. Your light-footed confidence will carry you through to the end.
upright meaning:
challenge • perseverance • staying the course
The spotlight is on you. You must be resolute in the face of adversity. Your vision is really worth something, and it is up to you to navigate the treacherous terrain that will bring it to fruition. You are nimble, skillful, and the iridescent tendrils of your idea will guide you down the correct path. Stick to the plan- if you can navigate through this challenging time, there will be no stopping you.
reversed meaning:
exhaustion • doubt • distractions
Though the path you must take may be clear, it will require all your agility and grace to traverse the tiny footholds. Just look one step ahead. If you are taking a leap of faith in less than ideal circumstances, clear your mind of doubt and distractions and let instinct guide your way. Remember, even if you are adept at navigating a challenging path, you may find luck is not on your side, and you run the risk of plunging into the waters below. Look within and decide if setting out on this demanding journey is worth your time and resources.