Fortuna Minor

planet: sun (southern)
sign: leo
body: the spine
Lesser Fortune
The Entertainer stands alone in a surreal desert and tosses a coin from one hand to the other. The coin may land favorably but even so it suggests only temporary fortune.
Latin for “lesser fortune” Fortuna Minor is a weakly favorable figure but unlike Fortuna Major it only offers short term fortune which must be met with outside assistance in order to take root. It is a favorable figure for situations that have easy or quick resolutions, but for the long term (like careers or relationships) Fortuna Minor is not a favorable figure. Because of its temporary nature, it is an unstable figure of change. Fortuna Minor reminds us that fortune and luck can be fleeting. The formation of dots resembles a mountain with a staff atop it. Fortuna Minor is strengthened in the 5th house and weakened in the 11th.