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Guidance from Cosma Visions for Mercury Retrograde Prisma Visions Blog James R. Eads fine art prints and Prisma Visions tarot cards

Guidance from Cosma Visions for Mercury Retrograde

On the heels of the Sun shifting into Taurus and a rare solar eclipse, the planet of communication, rationality, and reasoning is entering a period of retrograde.

In astrology, retrogrades signify a time to slow down and reassess our approaches before acting. Despite its universally negative reputation, Mercury retrogrades are an inevitable part of our solar journeys. Each zodiac sign experiences retrograde differently, so it’s important to explore some themes that may arise for us. For this retrograde phase, beginning on April 21st, we’ve pulled a single card from the Cosma Visions Oracle for each of the astrological signs. Perhaps the cards resonate with you and offer some insight, guidance, or encouragement you might need to get through tough times ahead.

ARIES - The Crow

Not to fear, Aries. The retrograde stands no chance against your dynamic energy! The Crow tells you that are a force of nature and that your sheer will alone will lead you to the right course of action. Focus on spiritual growth during this time will also help you overcome any troubles.

TAURUS - Soulmates

A card filled with love and deep connection. Being vulnerable and open with others about your needs and feelings may help ease the tension of the retrograde moving with your season. This not only helps fortify the relationships around you, but also nourishes the relationship with yourself.

GEMINI - Two of Lotuses

A card often associated with new partnerships and attraction. Stay open and positive to this opportunity during the retrograde season. The Two of Lotuses suggests that you are on the path to finding balance and harmony. Openness will allow the love to flow freely to you.

CANCER - Ten of Trees

Though things may falter and veer off course during this time, it’s important to realize that these falls can also be the foundation for lasting fulfillment. Take a moment to reflect on your journey and enjoy where you are right now.

LEO - Four of Birds

Before making a hasty decision, the Four of Birds asks that you pause before acting. As with retrograde, we can sometimes feel caught in the chaos of the moment and act impulsively. Instead, take time to rest and contemplate before sending that text or accepting that new project.

VIRGO - Two of Embers

Ruled by the planet Mercury, Virgo may experience the brunt of the retrograde phase. The Two of Embers is a card of preparation and movement and encourages you to plan ahead for when things become unpredictable. It’s important to remember that even when things don’t go as planned, there are always alternative paths to explore.

LIBRA - The Fighter

You may be tempted to be impulsive and fight against the onslaught of havoc a retrograde can bring in. While it’s good to stand your ground in certain situations, perhaps not all conflicts require immediate action at the expense of your energy. Choose your battles wisely.

SCORPIO - The Mender

This comforting card wants you to find the softer side of yourself this retrograde phase. While external forces may raise frustrations for you, seek the calm by being kind to yourself. Now is the perfect time to focus on your healing with moments of self-care and introspection.

SAGITTARIUS - Two of Trees

Your resourcefulness and adaptability will pull you through! When faced with any challenge over the next few weeks, it’s best to evaluate and sort through the mess using your unique perspective. Invite compromise and some slack into the mix to help balance your decisions.

AQUARIUS - The Wanderer
A fitting card for, Aquarius! Your free spirit and openness to new ideas and projects lead you to exciting ventures. The Wanderer signals that while these discoveries can have positive initial reactions, to be sure that you don’t rush into things without considering repercussions.

PISCES - The Maze

It can surely feel like you are finding your way out of a maze this season. The Maze card suggests a lot of understanding, tolerance, and self-restraint may be in order for you to find some balance in the coming weeks. Finding a happy medium can ease tensions.

CAPRICORN - Seven of Birds

The Seven of Birds suggests that you may have to do some creative thinking and some crafty maneuvers to get out of sticky situations this retrograde season. Strategize before taking direct action and things may fall into place with ease.

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ends May 5, 2023

✨ Happy Retrograde 

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