Sagittarius and Temperance – Prisma Visions

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Sagittarius and Temperance

As we glide through Sagittarius season we are reminded of the Tarot card Temperance. Temperance is all about striving for balance--which can often mean taking the middle road. To a Sagittarius, the middle road is almost never enticing. Yet, the middle road is not always a compromise, but another solution that can combine both extremes. 

As a mutable fire sign, Sagittarius is bold and confident. Fire is not naturally a mutable element, so Sagittarius is already operating in oppositions. It's through the alchemy of Temperance that we can learn about balancing these oppositions. 

Our lesson for this season is to find balance in opposition- how can we learn to accept and mold the outcome into something more desirable? 


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