Skully Mambo Five!
It's been seven months since our last print release. Covid really shifted things around here at the studio, as well as the rest of the world, and we are now finally getting back into the swing of things. I remember back in March sending out a newsletter stating that it would be a while before we got back to printing again, and I suppose that wasn't wrong. This is the longest we've gone in between print releases and it feels a little weird having this be the third print of the year and we're half way through October. But what's better than a new Skully Mambo to kick things off?
Skully Mambo 5 is a unique departure from the series. We got back to our roots and created a four color screenprint, but what's different about this print from anything I've done in the past is that it can be viewed/hung either horizontally or vertically. I designed this print with 2020 in mind, I mean how could it not infiltrate everything at this point. This whole year has felt upside down to say the least, and so this is my take on the topsy-turvy Skully Mambo.
