As we enter into Capricorn season at the end of the year we are often met with a feeling of finality. As an earth sign, Capricorn's sturdy footing can be tested during this season as we navigate the holidays and feelings that arise at the end of the year. The Devil, an often misunderstood tarot card, can signify materialism and our own vices. This card is paired with this sign to remind us of the earthly obstacles we face. For the Capricorn, obstacles are usually forefront by nature. A Capricorn can feel the weight of decision and the unfolding karma much more than any other zodiac sign, and so the Devil can represent a lot of these feelings.
Capricorn's persistent nature and near-impossible standards can make them a relentless force to be reckoned with. The lesson here is that it is okay to fail. It is worth challenging yourself to take risks and embrace the obstacles that may arrive.