It's time for a secret stretch goal!
It's been over a week since our last stretch goal and there are too many good ideas floating around to let them go by before the campaign ends. While we're not quite at our 400,000 stretch goal for the extra 9 rune cards, I wanted to introduce this new item I have been working on....

(This is a very very rough prototype! )
The "Set The Stage" cardholder is a 4" x 7.5 card holder designed to slide into the bottom of the diorama box. It will have cut slots to display up to 4 cards at once. This will now come free with all box sets! (I'm calling this our $375,000 stretch goal) If you order 2 box sets you'll get 2 card holders.
If you want extra card holders (or you aren't getting a box set), you will now find the "Set The Stage" card holder available as an add-on item for $7.

So now all box sets now come with: the rune dice, the enoki screenprint, and the cardholder!

We're getting super super close to the 400k stretch goal for the 9 extra rune cards! I'll be sharing more of the art from those cards in our next update.
Thank you for sharing the project with your communities.
Looking forward to what comes next!