Last month, we had a spontaneous release of a special edition tarot deck. Night Visions, the dark sister of Light Visions, features black and white imagery, metallic red gilded edges and red foil accents on the 79th card, Nightmares. We weren't sure how Night Visions would be received and were surprised to see that it has sold out in just under a month. We are so inspired by and grateful to our loyal patrons who have been with us since the beginning and the newcomers who put their trust in us by ordering our curios for the first time. You've made it possible for us to follow our intuition, take risks and experiment with new concepts. Consider this a reminder that we are always open to hearing your thoughts and look forward to realizing more visions together in the coming seasons. Please email us any sparks of inspiration you care to share and while we may not get back to you right away, please know that there is a caring team on the other end sifting through each message and doing their best to form a dedicated response to each sender. We welcome you to follow up to bring your message back to the top of our inbox if a response is required.