I've spent the last few days developing stretch goals and finishing up new cards (like the extra rune cards for an upcoming stretch goal!). But in the meantime, I would love to get your feedback!
I actually created a set of charms as a prototype item for this campaign. For some reason, it was one of the first things I thought of as a stretch goal, so it seems serendipitous that it was mentioned several times here without me bringing it up.

I spent a while working with the manufacturer on the CNC art trying to get it right. When we got the actual charms they were a little.. I dunno lackluster? I think they're a little small and some details were lost because of the size. I also planned for them to have clasps to be attached to a bracelet or necklace, but I think that it is doing too much and they can exist as little trinkets on their own.
I do think it would be neat to have a set of charms and trinkets to use as another method of divination (and would pair well with the casting cloth).
Maybe there's something here? What do you think?

Secondly- chimes! I love wind chimes. There is a chimes card in the oracle inspired by the wind chimes at Arcosanti, AZ made by Paolo Solari. There's something about chimes that feels like it fits in with this project. I'd imagine them engraved with glyphs from the decks with a beautiful patina. But maybe I'm just daydreaming...I've done less research on this item, but again I would love your feedback! Comment below :)

This is the part in the campaign where things naturally start to slow down, so please keep sharing the project with your communities so we can hit as many of these free stretch goals as possible!
Hope you all have a great weekend